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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Catalyst West 2011 - Leaders being formed

A conference for leaders. You GOT to go. I have heard MAD reviews about Catalyst both East and West. Some of the best leadership experts and best leaders themselves line up at this event.

I am stoked to attend, I could get a chance to go FREE through Church Marketing Sucks, as they are sending one person completely free of charge to this event, check out all the details here.

I want to encourage you to learn as much as you can, seek the counsel of those who have already walked the steps you are now contemplating. Go for it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Leader's Dream

Most people have it backwards. In order to do something big for God, they wait for forty confirmations before they move to do it. They say "If God really wants me to do this, then He will confirm it for me". And here is the problem with that: God doesn't work in their way. God doesn't have to give you confirmations before you move on. He doesn't always say "YOU! YOU! You go on and do this and that, I have called you". No, why you? Are you that self-centered? Remember, God uses the one who is willing, not the one who is waiting. Get up today and say "I want to do something great for the kingdom. I want to sweep souls into Heaven. I want to glorify Him!" and God will give you the path.

Could you make a mistake? Of course. But you gotta risk it. If no one believes in you, that's okay, take it to the Father in prayer. Get used to the idea that you don't start with man's support, but if you start with God's support, that's all you need. Eventually He will get the support you need for you. It is okay to go at it and make mistakes, remember it was the strong arms of the Savior that lifted Peter out of the water when he ran to Jesus in the water. It is those same arms that will lift you up when you fall.

This past weekend, we had an amazing corporate prayer walk for Cal State University Long Beach. All the pictures are here, check them out. I tell you, few trusted me before this prayer walk, now the reports keep coming in. Healed hearts, faith revived, even salvations happened as a result of this event. I take no credit for it, but I am telling you: All of this wouldn't have happened if some of us hadn't risked it. Now we are onto other things God has planned for our lives. But I have to tell you this: Risk it. Go at it, trust in the Lord Your God for He will guard you in all of your ways.

Particularly you freshmen and sophomores in college. Go at it, dream big. You guys are the next generation of leaders in your campus. You are the next ones to organize corporate prayer walks, prayer meetings, evangelistic events, etc. You are the ones that will fill your university/college's football stadiums with people hungry for Life. Don't fear. Father is truly a father and He will not let you walk alone. Just like a father goes before his child, He will go before you. If you seek Him, He will guard. If you humble before Him, He will lift you up before men. He is the answer. Go to Him.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"How much is it that You need?"

Here is another conversation I had with the Father. This epiphany happened while I was at the office of the bookstore I work with. I was praying for some needs I have, financial mainly, but the lesson applies for everything in life.

Me: Father, will you provide financially for this and that? (mentioning whom I had to pay)
Father: (Pretending not to hear)
Me: I know you will provide, I know it, I know it
Father: Alright, Daniel. I am in a good mood, anything that you ask, I shall provide
Me: Father, I need to pay for this and that
Father: How much is it that you need?
Me: Um... um... around this much, I think
Father: You don't know exactly?

And the chance to ask during His super-archi-mega good mood was gone

It was then that I learned (through more of His Word) that you must be specific always, even in your prayers. Of course God knows everything that you need, but He wants YOU to know everything that you need. Don't be like me not knowing the exact amount I needed when the King asked.

Now I am prepared, I do all my numbers and I know exactly whom I owe and how much. I advise you do the same. Also write what the blessing you want is, and why you want. Lest you be caught off guard the question "Why do you want it?". If you don't know why you want that blessing, don't expect to receive it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Spirit teaches, but doesn't spoil!

One experienced marked me forever. I used to hear a lot of my Christian friends and leaders say "We'll let the Spirit lead". It sounded cool, so I decided to employ that saying too. "The Spirit will lead" I would say, and of course, the Spirit would never lead. Why? Because the Spirit leads the prepared ones.

Here is what happened: We had agreed on the first prayer walk on our Cal State Long Beach (which is happening again on Jan 29! check here). And after creating a facebook event, I had no clue what to put on the description. So I tried to sound cool and wrote "The Spirit will lead".

I went to bed calm, but I woke up feeling silly (the Lord works in funny ways!). I thought "What kind of lack of professionalism that is?". Sure enough, I read that description and thought "No one will come if this is what it says!". Even better, a friend of mine called and pointed out the same issue. Thank God for confirmations!

Friends, don't ever cover up laziness with the leading of the Precious Holy Spirit! Make a plan, pray about it, fast about it, look at how others have successfully done it. But then, at the end of it all, pray "But Lord, please change it up as You wish, mess with it as You see fit. I am here Lord, listening, what do You say about this?". And believe me, the Spirit will show up and give you directions. But DO NOT expect the Spirit to write it all up for you. The Spirit teaches, not spoils!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Semantics ruin you everyday

One of the apostles writes: 'You believe in God? Well, good! even the demons believe! and they tremble'. Well, that's powerful right there. I would like to believe and add, in my own imagination if you will, that James is saying "And they tremble! but you don't even tremble, you just say you believe but don't really believe it, at least they tremble! but not you, not you"

How does that feel? Would you be offended if I told you that demons believe more in God that you do yourself? You child of God? When God says 'I will destroy you', the demons flee for they know He means business! But you? When He says 'I will bless you'. Do you rejoice? Do you praise? Do you thank? What's your reaction to God's word? Ask yourself this question "Are semantics ruining me?"

Look friend, you are talking about God here. God Himself. Mr. Creator of the universe. The God who created the Heaven and the Earth, and the hell too. The God who has the power to cast you into eternal damnation. The God who can revive the death and heal the sick. The God who provides miracles. The God so compassionate that He gave His only begotten Son that whomever believes will live in eternity with Him. THAT is the God you call your God. Yet, are you limiting Him? Are you talking to this mighty, powerful, everlasting, ever merciful God as if you were talking to a mean, grumpy dude?

Don't let semantics ruin you everyday. Meditate upon His nature and rejoice. Rejoice! because the Creator, the Almighty, the I am that I am calls you Child. And if you really believe He is God, then begin to act like it.