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Thursday, January 27, 2011

"How much is it that You need?"

Here is another conversation I had with the Father. This epiphany happened while I was at the office of the bookstore I work with. I was praying for some needs I have, financial mainly, but the lesson applies for everything in life.

Me: Father, will you provide financially for this and that? (mentioning whom I had to pay)
Father: (Pretending not to hear)
Me: I know you will provide, I know it, I know it
Father: Alright, Daniel. I am in a good mood, anything that you ask, I shall provide
Me: Father, I need to pay for this and that
Father: How much is it that you need?
Me: Um... um... around this much, I think
Father: You don't know exactly?

And the chance to ask during His super-archi-mega good mood was gone

It was then that I learned (through more of His Word) that you must be specific always, even in your prayers. Of course God knows everything that you need, but He wants YOU to know everything that you need. Don't be like me not knowing the exact amount I needed when the King asked.

Now I am prepared, I do all my numbers and I know exactly whom I owe and how much. I advise you do the same. Also write what the blessing you want is, and why you want. Lest you be caught off guard the question "Why do you want it?". If you don't know why you want that blessing, don't expect to receive it!


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