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Thursday, January 27, 2011

"How much is it that You need?"

Here is another conversation I had with the Father. This epiphany happened while I was at the office of the bookstore I work with. I was praying for some needs I have, financial mainly, but the lesson applies for everything in life.

Me: Father, will you provide financially for this and that? (mentioning whom I had to pay)
Father: (Pretending not to hear)
Me: I know you will provide, I know it, I know it
Father: Alright, Daniel. I am in a good mood, anything that you ask, I shall provide
Me: Father, I need to pay for this and that
Father: How much is it that you need?
Me: Um... um... around this much, I think
Father: You don't know exactly?

And the chance to ask during His super-archi-mega good mood was gone

It was then that I learned (through more of His Word) that you must be specific always, even in your prayers. Of course God knows everything that you need, but He wants YOU to know everything that you need. Don't be like me not knowing the exact amount I needed when the King asked.

Now I am prepared, I do all my numbers and I know exactly whom I owe and how much. I advise you do the same. Also write what the blessing you want is, and why you want. Lest you be caught off guard the question "Why do you want it?". If you don't know why you want that blessing, don't expect to receive it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Spirit teaches, but doesn't spoil!

One experienced marked me forever. I used to hear a lot of my Christian friends and leaders say "We'll let the Spirit lead". It sounded cool, so I decided to employ that saying too. "The Spirit will lead" I would say, and of course, the Spirit would never lead. Why? Because the Spirit leads the prepared ones.

Here is what happened: We had agreed on the first prayer walk on our Cal State Long Beach (which is happening again on Jan 29! check here). And after creating a facebook event, I had no clue what to put on the description. So I tried to sound cool and wrote "The Spirit will lead".

I went to bed calm, but I woke up feeling silly (the Lord works in funny ways!). I thought "What kind of lack of professionalism that is?". Sure enough, I read that description and thought "No one will come if this is what it says!". Even better, a friend of mine called and pointed out the same issue. Thank God for confirmations!

Friends, don't ever cover up laziness with the leading of the Precious Holy Spirit! Make a plan, pray about it, fast about it, look at how others have successfully done it. But then, at the end of it all, pray "But Lord, please change it up as You wish, mess with it as You see fit. I am here Lord, listening, what do You say about this?". And believe me, the Spirit will show up and give you directions. But DO NOT expect the Spirit to write it all up for you. The Spirit teaches, not spoils!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Semantics ruin you everyday

One of the apostles writes: 'You believe in God? Well, good! even the demons believe! and they tremble'. Well, that's powerful right there. I would like to believe and add, in my own imagination if you will, that James is saying "And they tremble! but you don't even tremble, you just say you believe but don't really believe it, at least they tremble! but not you, not you"

How does that feel? Would you be offended if I told you that demons believe more in God that you do yourself? You child of God? When God says 'I will destroy you', the demons flee for they know He means business! But you? When He says 'I will bless you'. Do you rejoice? Do you praise? Do you thank? What's your reaction to God's word? Ask yourself this question "Are semantics ruining me?"

Look friend, you are talking about God here. God Himself. Mr. Creator of the universe. The God who created the Heaven and the Earth, and the hell too. The God who has the power to cast you into eternal damnation. The God who can revive the death and heal the sick. The God who provides miracles. The God so compassionate that He gave His only begotten Son that whomever believes will live in eternity with Him. THAT is the God you call your God. Yet, are you limiting Him? Are you talking to this mighty, powerful, everlasting, ever merciful God as if you were talking to a mean, grumpy dude?

Don't let semantics ruin you everyday. Meditate upon His nature and rejoice. Rejoice! because the Creator, the Almighty, the I am that I am calls you Child. And if you really believe He is God, then begin to act like it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The best gift you can give is...

It was my birthday a few days ago. I was pretty humbled by all the kind words, wishes, and love. But it made me think about gifts, I got a few, and they were cool and all, but I thought "what's the best gift you can give to someone?". Now mind you, nothing against gifts (duh), but I thought about the greatest gift. And I came to the conclusion that the best gift you can give is you. The best gift you can give to the world is you.

This is not the cheesy-corny thing you want to hear. But it is the truth. I can have all the stuff later, but I won't have you around forever. If you want to make the best, most expensive, most qualified, most lasting gift to me, your friends, and your family, then be a man or woman of integrity, of righteousness, who earns everything she owns. Don't settle for small dreams, go for the big ones. Don't live for yourself, but live for the very glory that leads to eternity.

Be kind to people and let them remember you for your character. Don't forget the little ones, and don't depreciate the hopeless. Remember the poor and encourage the afflicted. Seek wisdom and hate ignorance. Cut back on tv, and open that book sitting on the shelf. Say 'bye' to your couch and call some friends. And when you gain new heights, remain humble. This is truly the best gift, it's more than enough.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pencil writing history

The "I am this way and I will never change" approach is not going to take you anywhere. I have heard it in a lot of places from a lot of people, and these same people end up living miserably, unhappy, and wondering why 'nothing works for them'. Here is how to identify them:
  • "Everyone/all guys/all girls are the same" (No, YOU are always the same)
  • "This is how I am and I'll die this way" (Yes, you will)
  • "No one is going to change me" (You are absolutely right, only you can change yourself)
  • "Why change? It never works" (It has never worked because you have never changed)
Wake up! It is only if you are willing to be changed that you can be used to change the world around you. No change in you, no change in others. Do you really want to be the vessel of change? Do you really want to be the pencil in God's hand? Then be willing to be changed. Submit yourself to a process of change, no matter how painful and slow it is.

Here is the analogy my mentor gives me: When you came to God, all you were was mud, but through burning you and spinning you around, God begins to give you shape. Sometimes it burns a lot, and sometimes He rids you of big parts of your life, but that's what it takes. Are you willing?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You don't have to be a champion

King David Statue
You don't have to pay, but don't let it surprise you
when they are anointed and you are not
when they see favor in their lives and you don't
when they get the success and you don't
Do not complain for they paid the price, and you did not

Here is the deal: It is not a sin not to seek the Lord your God with all your might. It is not a sin not to give it all for Him. It is not a sin not to stay those extra ten minutes to pray. It is not a sin not to speak of Him wherever you go. It is not a sin. Do not worry, it is not a sin.

But don't be surprised when the Lord blesses those who seek Him with all their might, those who give it all for Him, those who prayed until their knees hurt, those who risk shame and popularity for His sake. Those are the men and women after God's own heart. Those are the champions. Do you want to be one of them? No one will force you, but do you want to?

Friday, January 7, 2011

The fisherman that didn't try

Once upon a time, a fisherman let his Master down. The Master mentored, trusted in, and provided for him. The Master had warned the fisherman that he would fail, but said "do not worry, even as you fail me, you'll be okay. It will be alright. You can still be great."

When the day of the majestic fail came, the fisherman no longer felt worthy of a great life, so he went back to his old, bad habits. Upon time the fishermen's wife said "Peter, why are you doing this again? What happened to your dreams?". To which, the 'humble' fisherman replied "I am not worthy, I'll never get there"

The same happens with our lives:
  • We don't study because we don't think we can get the good grade
  • We don't attempt to be holy because we don't feel worthy
  • We don't exercise because we'll never be as fit as that guy on TV
  • We don't try to talk to her because we think she won't be attracted anyway
I wanna tell you that:
  • Yes, if you do study, you can get that good grade and much more
  • Yes, you can be holy if you make the commitment
  • Yes, you can be fit, real fit if you discipline yourself
  • Yes, you can attract that girl, or another one, but you must decide

Don't make excuses any longer. A tree grows as far as it can, likewise, go as far as you can. Don't limit yourself and the Lord your God. You're meant for greatness!

The story ends well - the fisherman saw his Master's Word come to be true. Later in life, his shadow healed the sick, and thousands came to see him as a leader. That fisherman's name was Peter and his Master was and is still known as Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The one thing they cannot say

Chances are, not all of your goals will be met. Not everything you want will actually happen. Maybe the scoreboard will not turn out the way you thought it would, despite all those tiring practices through the rain. Maybe you didn't get that GPA despite spending sleepless nights for that one class. Maybe you have prayed entire nights and seen nothing happen. What then?

Here is what happens then. You stay there. You continue to do it. You don't give up. You get up and try again. And your family? and your friends? what will people say about you? They can say anything. They can remind you that you failed, they can tell you that they warn you, and they can tell you the classic "maybe it's not meant for you". But this is what NO ONE should be able to say "You didn't try"

The lesson today, friend, is that you work so hard and so persistently that no one should rightly be able to say "(s)he did not try". Let them say anything except that. At the end of your life, no one should be able to say "(s)he did not try". Be a history maker, don't give up, ever.

Question: What do you think of this? Is there any point where you should stop trying?

Welcome! Let's get acquainted!

Friends, welcome to this blog. My name is Daniel Becerra. I got a long resume, but that's for later. Let's talk about you. There are a lot of things we must get established, let us do some house cleaning first.
1. This blog is particularly targeted for the young people of the world, think sixteen to twenty-five year olds. Young men and women who:
  • Are zealous for the real deal
  • Want an authentic and fresh message
  • Refuse to accept the status quo
  • Will never give up, or sit in complacency
2. This blog is serious business :). Count on me to write often, but not too often. I will speak what I believe to be true. Now I am a child of God. I love the Lord with I believe to be all of my mind, all my heart, all my strenght, and all my soul. But this blog is NOT just for Christians.

If you are an atheist, agnostic, Jew, Muslim, or Catholic reading this, please continue to read. No matter your faith, ethnicity, sexual preference, status, or health, I want to meet you. I want to say hello to you. I want to get to know you. I apologize on behalf of anyone who ever insulted you in the name of the Father. If they did, please know I am truly sorry on their behalf. Let's talk?

3. Come back to this blog at least three to four times. If after that, I have not yet caught your attention, you have all the right to leave. I do ask that you have patience with me. I am not a professional blogger, but I do have things to say, words fresh from the Lord. There is a focus to the blog, however. Not too narrow, but narrow enough. What's the focus? Refer to item 1 on this list.

4. This content is copyrighted, but you are encouraged to use it, quote, distribute it, spread it as you wish. Scratch that. You are highly, super-archi encouraged to do these things. Other than, let's have fun!